Nationwide Outrage
Apart from the coronavirus, the United States is now dealing with another terrible situation. This is a problem that has existed way longer than this virus, and that has also ended with many peoples lives: racism. Its most recent victim was a man from Texas called George Floyd. Floyd was murdered by a white supremacist cop who worked for the Minneapolis Police Department. Floyd's brutal and cruel murder was recorded by people who asked the cop to take his knee from George's neck because, as he was crying out loud, he "[could] not breath". A few minutes later, under the close look of three other inept cops, Floyd's lost his life. Ever since this event, on May 25th the country has been outraged, and violent protests have broken out in more than 30 countries. Today, news outlets have informed that protests have erupted in some European cities as well.
Let's not make the mistake of thinking that this burst of protests and outrage were caused only because of the murder of George Floyd. This was the drop that filled the cup. A cup filled with years of racism, oppression and murder by the hands of cops and other Americans who have attacked African Americans for years. People are tired of violence from an organization that has the duty of keeping everyone in America safe, not decide wether or not you should live. Even though the looting and burning of buildings and cars in the last few days has caused a lot of criticism, people have to understand where all of this pain and anger comes from. This amount of violence may be what is necessary to once and for all see a change in this countries race relations.
There is a lot of uncertainty of what will happen in these coming days with the continuing protests. There is no doubt that people will come out of these hard times with many things learned. Wether it is a virus that is killing thousands around the or the racism that has attacked this country since its early beginning, lets hope that changes will be for the best.
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